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Hackers are stealing information through smart TV

The Dhaka Times Desk Nothing is safe from hackers. After computer, mobile phone, now smart TV paid attention to Hackers. A recent analysis of several cases showed that hackers steal personal information by controlling the camera of smart TVs while they are connected to the Internet.

smart tv

Smart TV may be the first question What? Simply put, Smart TV is Internet connected TV. Which may also have satellite cable connected at the same time. That means it will be possible to watch TV online with satellite TV channels at the same time. Smart TV is not just a television. Rather more than television. Through this, you can listen to your favorite music, watch videos, play video games, etc. Apart from this, smartphone applications can also be installed. Smart TV provides many additional benefits in viewing pictures or videos. Any video can be recorded or paused. Images can be zoomed in and zoomed out. Any video image can be viewed with ease. The most interesting feature is that, through the camera placed on the smart TV, you can make any video and broadcast it online through the Internet.

Basically, the built-in camera option of smart TV is chosen by hackers to steal your personal information. Hackers have also been successful in this method. Now thinking about how to overcome this security flaw. Recently, it has been seen that hackers are using the built-in camera in Samsung Smart TVs to steal personal information. However, Samsung quickly fixed this security flaw. For all affected TVs, a software update has been sent to customers.


Analysts said, not only Samsung, but any TV connected to the Internet can have this problem. Analysts have suggested the use of antivirus on TV to stay away from this trouble. If this does not solve it, it is better to tap on the camera, they said.

References: The Tech Journal

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