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Not only for patients, but also for healthy people

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen in childhood, currants were given whenever someone had fever or any illness. So many people think that it is only for the patient. But no, it is a very beneficial fruit for healthy people as well.


In fact, we have no idea about many things. We always live with a misconception. We thought Bedana was only for patients. But actually this pain is absolutely necessary for normal people. Because it has many qualities.

It contains many minerals. So good for those who have anemia. Apart from this, there are a lot of nutrients like folic acid, amino acids, potassium, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E etc.

Currant for cold-cough

If you suffer from cold, you can eat currant juice. When you are very overcome with cold, consume currant juice little by little throughout the day. At the end of the day you will understand the difference yourself.

Currants for the heart

Currant juice quickly delivers oxygen to the muscles of the heart. Apart from this, it is also effective in preventing high blood pressure and hypertension. A study has shown that regular consumption of currant juice for three consecutive months improves gut health significantly.

Currant protects the skin

These currants form a protective barrier on the skin. Currant contains ingredients that produce new skin cells. Apart from this, this fruit can remove the impression of age under the eyes.

Currants for bones

Currants contain potassium and polyphenols, which are very beneficial for bones and joint cartilage. Therefore, it is possible to get rid of various bone diseases including osteoporosis by eating currants regularly.

Currant in dental care

Currant contains anti-oxidants. This anti-oxidant prevents plaque build-up on the teeth. In addition, the role of currants is immense in the prevention of gum gingivitis. Therefore, to protect the teeth, eat more currants.

So let's not only as a patient food but we all try to eat currants regularly along with other fruits every day. Then we can live a healthy and beautiful life.

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