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The Taliban have threatened to kill Malala again on the anniversary of the attack

The Dhaka Times Desk Taliban has threatened to kill Pakistani human rights activist Malala again.


Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Shahidullah Shahid told AFP news agency, Indian NDTV reported.

On this day last year, October 9, Taliban gunmen attacked Malala Yousafzai's school bus to kill her. At that time, Malala was shot in the head and seriously injured. He was first admitted to a hospital by the Pakistan Army. He was later admitted to a hospital in Britain as his condition worsened. After this incident, extreme criticism started all over the world. The attack on a schoolgirl of Malala's age drew worldwide condemnation.

In such a situation, Malala continues to be recognized around the world as a human rights activist. Meanwhile, Malala is recovering and staying in Britain. Malala has been nominated for several international prizes, including the Nobel Peace Prize.


After recovering from treatment, he became a symbol of the right to education for all children in the world. Boys or girls become global ambassadors for the movement to ensure education for all. 16-year-old Malala, who spread the message of "education for all" worldwide, is one of the most talked-about nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize this year.

The winner of the award will be announced next Friday. Malala's name is being loudly mentioned as the possible winner. But by dismissing Malala, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesperson Shahidullah said that they will try to kill Malala again. “She is not a brave woman. He has no courage. We will attack him again when we get a chance,” he said. "We didn't attack Malala for going to school, she was attacked for speaking against the Taliban and Islam," Shahidullah said.

It should be noted that Malala also got the opportunity to give a speech at the United Nations. There she advocated for disadvantaged women including education. In such circumstances, this threat came on the first anniversary of the attack on him.

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