The Dhaka Times
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18 party strike: A teenager killed in Chandpur

The Dhaka Times Desk The violence continued on the second day of the hartal today. A teenager was killed in Chandpur after a truck driver was killed by stone pickers in Chittagong.


A truck driver lost control and was killed on Chittagong-Cox's Bazar highway this morning in Satkania, Chittagong. On the other hand, a teenager was killed in Puran Bazar area of Chandpur.

Awami League workers clashed with hartal supporters during picketing in New Road area of Puranbazar in the morning. Both sides attacked each other with indigenous weapons and indiscriminately vandalized neighboring businesses and houses. A panic spread throughout the area. Meanwhile, for about an hour and a half, the two sides chased and chased each other. More than half a hundred workers of both sides were injured in the clash. Later the police came and brought the situation under control by firing rubber bullets.

Among the injured, Mohammad Arzu was taken to Sadar Hospital where doctors declared him brought dead. The teenager is 16 years old. The Chhatra Dal has claimed that the teenager is a Chhatra Dal worker. Meanwhile, the district administration has issued section 144 in the Chandpur municipal area under the circumstances.

When a local journalist was contacted by phone, he said that the situation in Chandpur is very bad. More major events can happen at any time. However, local police have beefed up security. The city is at a standstill.

(Photo by bdnews24com)

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