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Phone can be charged with the help of Wi-Fi without wires!

The Dhaka Times Desk The time has come to eliminate the need for chargers to charge phones. Duke University Two students have built a device that can charge phones using Wi-Fi.


Metamaterial A type of engineering structure capable of generating various forms of wave energy. Something of a certain size and shape material If you can bring about changes in their religion and characteristics by streamlining them together 'super' material can be turned into

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Steven Cummer With the help of two engineering students from Duke University Allen Hawkes And Alexander Katko Invented the device in the above manner. It is able to hold the signal. Five fiber glass and copper electrical conductors are joined together to a circuit board metamaterial array to create The energy generated from these waves is converted into electrical current. Notably, this device generates electricity at a higher voltage than a normal USB charger.


Allen Hawkes And Alexander Katko Design the device in such a way that it can generate energy from microwaves itself. They claim that their five-cell metamaterial can increase the efficiency of a wave by 36.8 percent to 7.3 volts. Which is only 5 volts for phone or other small device chargers.

These two young students hope that one day such a small device could connect to a phone and charge it using Wi-Fi. Their hope is that their device will be used not only for mobile phones but also for charging other small devices.

Alexander Katko "Our discovery can be used for different frequencies and energies, as well as to generate vibrations and sound energy," he said. He also said that, “One on the roof of the house metamaterial It can be covered. It can also recover lost Wi-Fi signal.

Reference: TheTechJournal

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