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The number of American soldiers killed in the Afghan war is 2,153!

The Dhaka Times Desk America's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, controversial in many quarters around the world, recently released a list of US soldiers killed in the Afghan war alone, showing a total of 2,153 soldiers killed.

Afghanistan Obama and the World

According to the Associated Press, 2,153 US soldiers have been killed in the US war against the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan since 2001. Meanwhile, according to the information provided by the US military, the number of victims is 1,785 people! Almost all of these casualties were killed in direct combat with the enemy. But another 132 people have been killed in Afghanistan after being wounded in non-combat incidents, not combat, the invading US forces said. They died while delivering various aid to the soldiers fighting in Afghanistan.


Associated Press Its death toll is two fewer than the US military's death toll. The U.S. military administration, however, reported two more civilian U.S. citizens killed in the Afghan war.

Moreover, NATO troops and government forces are under almost daily Taliban attacks across Afghanistan. At least 100 foreign soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since the beginning of this year. About 80 US soldiers are among these dead soldiers.

It should be noted that among the number of countries that have sent their troops under NATO to Afghanistan, the US troops are the most, since the controversial decision of the then US President George W. Bush in 2001, many US citizens have been killed in this war.

Source: ABC

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