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No Big Bang Theory, the new theory in explaining the creation of the universe is the Rainbow Gravity Theory!

The Dhaka Times Desk Various sages have different opinions about how the universe began. The Big Bang theory is a theory regarding the beginning of creation. It is said that this universe was created through a big explosion. But the Rainbow Gravity theory says otherwise. The rainbow gravity theory says that the universe had no beginning and is expanding to infinity.


The Big Frog Theory is about today 13.7 billion Eons ago the universe was formed from a very dense and hot state. Scientist Edwin Hubble Pratham said, if the velocities of distant galaxies are reviewed as a whole, it can be seen that they are moving away from each other, that is, the universe is gradually expanding. This is explained by the Friedman–Lamaitre–Robertson–Walker metric of the general theory of relativity. Analyzing the past with the help of these theories, the entire universe originated from an ancient point state. In this state all matter and energy were superheated and dense. But there is no consensus among physicists about what preceded this state.

on the other side Rainbow Gravity Theory Not universally accepted among scientists. This theory The Big Frog Theory Errors are pointed out. According to the rainbow gravity theory, the universe did not originate from any specific point. Reuben theory was first proposed 10 years ago to reconcile the differences between relativity and quantum mechanics. Surprisingly, according to this theory, time had no beginning.


Researchers analyze gamma ray bursts and other cosmic events. If the rainbow theory is correct, we will learn about more astronomical phenomena.

References: The Tech Journal, Daily Mail, Scientific America

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