The Dhaka Times
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Ershad Appears: Manzoor murder case verdict announced on February 10

The Dhaka Times Desk The verdict of the controversial murder case will be announced on February 10. The Dhaka District and Sessions Judge Court has announced the verdict date today.

Ershad -Monjur

The case is being tried in the court of First Additional District and Sessions Judge Hosne Ara Akhter (temporary) set up next to the Central Jail in Dhaka. Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad's murder case is ongoing.

After presenting the arguments of the state, the court fixed this date at 12 noon today. Earlier at 11:05 PM, Ershad appeared in the court in a flagged car following the official protocol. The other two accused in the case Major (retd.) Kazi Emdadul Haque and Lieut. Colonel (retd) Mustafa Kamal Uddin Bhuiyan was also present in the court.

Lawyer Sheikh Sirajul Islam is fighting the case on behalf of former President Hussain Muhammad Ershad.

As the argument of the state party which started on November 24 last year was not finished, the court ordered the lawyer of the state side Asaduzzaman Khan Rachi to submit a written argument.

It should be noted that after the assassination of President Ziaur Rahman in Chittagong on 30 May, Major General Manzoor was taken from police custody to Chittagong Cantonment on 1 June 1981. Then he was killed there. On February 28, 1995, 14 years after the murder, Barrister Abul Mansoor Ahmed, the elder brother of General Manzoor, filed the murder case at Chittagong's Panchlaish police station.

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