The Dhaka Times Desk The film's heroine Parimony was injured while shooting for the film Rana Plaza Reshma, which is based on the much-discussed Savar Rana Plaza tragedy.
Parimoni, who plays the role of Reshma, was injured during the shooting of the film based on the Rana Plaza tragedy at FDC last Friday. Nazrul Islam Khan is directing this film based on recent true events.
It is known that the shooting of the last moments of the Rana Plaza collapse in FDC was going on that day. At that time, the dummies were supposed to be used for the scene of rolling and jumping from the 4th floor of the building. But actress Parimony got in the way. He decided to do this scene himself. The cameramen and spotboys were very nervous. They repeatedly forbade Parimony. In the end Pari was adamant in her decision so the work of shooting that scene started with her.
But Vidhi got injured while giving this dangerous short to the left. Parimoni was injured with cut hands and feet and bleeding. At this time, one of his toenails was also broken. The entire unit was shocked by this incident. Since then Parimoni is suffering from fever and body pain.
Presently Parimoni's pain and fever are not reducing. The doctor ordered several x-rays of the bones. The production company has expressed hope that the shooting will start when the situation becomes normal again.