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Al-Qur'an theme park is being built in Dubai!

The Dhaka Times Desk If you thought Dubai was only a liberal capitalist's playground, then Dubai's recent plans have you thinking otherwise. Because the Quran theme park is being built in Dubai. Where the events of various times described in the Qur'an will be beautifully presented.


The park will be open to both Muslims and non-Muslims. From here everyone can be informed about the various aspects, events, context, significance of the Quran. By doing this, non-Muslims will know and understand more about Muslims. On the other hand, Muslims will get a better understanding of the Qur'an. Here historical buildings will be shown in resort form. The Dubai authorities have invested a lot of money in its construction, so that it can be presented to the world in a grand manner.


This will be one of Dubai's steps to break the bounds of conservatism. People from different countries who will come to Dubai for work will be established here. Such as South Asian workers, Western bankers, Arab middle class families. All will be employed here and will have tax free salary. The General Officer of Dubai Municipality describes it as, “This is Al Qur'an Theme Park where Islamic events in Islamic rules and events described in the Qur'an will be depicted through visuals and will enthrall the visitors. The design includes a theater, fountain, lake, biking track and miracle area. The Miracle Area will showcase the miracles described in the Quran. It will also showcase Islamic history and Islamic archeological artifacts acquired at different times. Which will help people to understand Islamic matters more. It will also include a giant clock tower.

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Dubai is called the Paris of the Middle East. Its modern buildings have already caught the attention of the western world. The people of Dubai hope that the Al Qur'an theme park will also attract people from all over the world.

Reference: The Guardian

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