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The seven strangest buildings in the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk Architecture is the art and science of building and making any tangible structure. Over time many changes have been observed in the architecture industry around the world. As an example of that, some strange constructions are presented to the readers.


Houzhou Hotel Sheraton, China


The Sheraton Hotel in Houzhou, China is located on the shores of Taihu Lake, China. its architect Ma Yangsung He said he wanted to blend modernity with local culture and history through the central circular void. It took about two years to build this 27-storey structure. It is built around a bridge over Taihu Lake. It is constructed based on round metal ring shape.

Axel Springer Headquarters, Germany



Europe's largest multimedia firm is Axel Springer. The architect designed their new headquarters Buro Ole Secheren. He said he tried to reflect the civic life through the void at its center. The two axes on either side denote the unification of the former East and West Germany. Its architect also says it gives clarity to our historical awareness.

Opus Office Tower, Abu Dhabi




The Opus office tower consists of two structures. An independent void created by mixing Mind's Sweetness with a decaying cube. It may appear that the cube has melted due to the high temperatures in the Emirates. The reflection of the cube in daylight is completely different at night. Its distinct light shines and changes dramatically.

Technology, Entertainment and Knowledge Center, Taipei



It was designed by Danish architect Jerk Ingels. Its various holes are essentially entrances. Also they have gone under the building like stairs to the very roof. Visitors can climb up on foot if they wish. A park is located on the roof of the building, also inside are conference center, hotel rooms, shopping mall. Engels called it a combination of nature and mechanism.

CCTV Tower, Beijing



Architect Rem Koolhaas says he is not interested in building skyscrapers. So he built the Beijing CCTV Tower with the sweetness of his mind. It's a weird kind of complex construction. Where six structures of different sizes are added. A gap is formed along its middle due to the joining of different structures. Beijing's CCTV tower has 44 floors.

Gate of East Building, China



Its British creator said he wanted to combine Chinese culture with Western purity. It carries the significance of modern China. Locals call it a giant pair of pants. The construction of this 74-storey building cost about 740 million US dollars.

Hamburg Science Center, Germany


This Science Center is located next to Magdeburg Harbor in Germany. It was built by a Dutch architecture firm. It is constructed of 10 large blocks in such a way that it looks like a ring. Its architect says if you look at the center of the architecture, you will think a polygon is missing.

These modern structures may be strange but there is a variety of architectural styles that will really surprise you.

Reference: CNN

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