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British woman's incredible physical exercise in the air of Kuwait on the biplane fan!

The Dhaka Times Desk A British woman takes to the skies over Kuwait by performing stunts 150 MPH Bege Chant performed an incredible feat in a speeding biplane. The British woman showed off all the daring aerobatic stunts in this extremely scary flying situation.


For the exhibition they used 1930 Boeing biplane. The British woman was assisted by two aviators for the breath-taking display. They had trained well before this exhibition as per the routine.


Also, before this exhibition, about 2500 airmen from all over the world participated in the exercise. They planned this wonderful exhibition by chance. A Swedish luxury watch company from Kuwait Maria Crescent Organizes exhibitions open to the public.


This is the first air exercise craft exhibition to be held in the Middle East region. The craft exhibitors returned to Europe after the show.


They are grateful to the Swiss watch company and the Governor of Kuwait City for this incredible arrangement. Martin Carrington CEO of the Brightling Skywalker Company who provided Boeing for this exhibition. "It's really exciting to fly over Kuwait and host an exhibition like this," he said. For this he thanked the head of Kuwait branch of Brightling Skywalker.


The spectacular and exciting open-air acrobatics would not have been possible without the help of the aircraft's pilot, the stunt team below and the Kuwaiti weather.


Reference: The Daily Mail

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