The Dhaka Times
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Election of 91 upazilas started in the fourth phase

The Dhaka Times Desk The fourth phase of 91 upazila elections started today on Sunday. This election started at 8 am and will continue till 4 pm.

Elections began

The Election Commission (EC) has already completed all preparations to make the elections fair. The army has been given powers of arrest.

Members of the law enforcement agencies, including the army, are heavily engaged in providing security. Due to widespread violence in the last third round of upazila elections, the Election Commission has strictly ordered the law and order forces to control the situation. And according to that law enforcement forces have made extensive preparations.

According to the information of the Election Commission, 1 thousand 186 candidates are contesting in today's election in 91 upazilas. There are 389 candidates for chairmanship. There are 485 vice chairman candidates and 312 women vice chairman candidates are contesting in today's election.

Today's constituency has a total of 1 crore 38 lakh 59 thousand 278 voters. Among them, the number of male voters is 69 lakh 7 thousand 956. On the other hand, the number of women voters is 69 lakh 51 thousand 322 people. In today's election, the total number of polling stations in 91 upazilas is 5 thousand 882. On the other hand, there are 37,338 polling stations.

According to Election Commission sources, one presiding officer is on duty in each polling station and one assistant presiding officer in each polling station.

The Election Commission has appointed 364 Executive and 91 Judicial Magistrates to immediately punish the candidates, election workers and voters for violating the law in the electoral areas.

According to the latest news, polling is going on peacefully in these constituencies.

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