The Dhaka Times
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CNG owners are going to call a 72-hour strike from April 1

The Dhaka Times Desk CNG-powered auto rickshaw owners of the capital are calling for a 72-hour strike from April 1. It has been reported that this strike is being called for the purpose of 5-point demand.


It has been informed that this strike will be officially announced by a press conference tomorrow Saturday afternoon. The owners are going to take this program with 5-point demand including deposit and rent increase.

It is known that the Dhaka Metropolitan CNG Auto Rickshaw Dealers Association, Dhaka City CNG Auto Rickshaw Dealers Association and Dhaka Metropolitan CNG Auto Rickshaw Owners Association jointly called this strike.

Their demands include:

1. The life time of CNG autorickshaw should be increased from 11 to 15 years.

2. Promised CNG auto rickshaws instead of mixers should be provided at the earliest

3. The owner's deposit should be increased from 700 to 900 taka.

4. The minimum fare (first 2 km) has been increased from Tk 25 to Tk 40

5. The fare per kilometer will be increased from Tk 7.64 to Tk 12.

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