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There are many common foods that can cause harm to your body

The Dhaka Times Desk In our daily meals, we eat all those foods which, due to our ignorance, do harm instead of benefit. Many foods such as beans, round potatoes, dry fruits, nuts, mushrooms, dried fruits can bring harmful effects to our body. Let's know about those bad foods.


1. red beans

There are two types of beans available in the market, red and green. Both have a good reputation as health foods. But experts say, red beans contain toxic substances. These types of beans need to be boiled for a long time during cooking. Otherwise, their toxic substances are not removed.

2. Spices and aromatic fruits


Almost everyone knows that spices do not enhance the taste of food. But using too many spices in food can cause damage to your body. Also, those with gastric and ulcer problems should avoid spicy foods.

3. brazil nuts


It's hard to find a person who doesn't like to eat nuts. But do you know that almonds contain a type of psychoactive substance called myristicin which is harmful to our body. These types of nuts are not common in our country but it is good to be aware of these nuts. These crescent-shaped nuts are called Brazil nuts. These nuts contain the radioactive substance selenium. One or two of these nuts may not have any immediate effect on your body, but it will gradually lead to serious effects inside the body.

4. Plums and cherries


There are no toxic substances in these delicious fruits. But be careful with their seeds. The seeds of these fruits contain cyanide-like substances. Many times these fruits along with seeds are used without regard to any rules in making various pickles, jams, jellies. You have to be aware in this case.

5. Round potatoes


We come across this ingredient in one way or another in our daily food. It is used in almost all curries. But while cooking, have you noticed that some of the potatoes bought from the market are often green. These potatoes are picked before they are fully matured. This immature green part of the potato contains a toxic substance called solanine. Boiling well does not remove this toxic substance from potatoes. Experts say, in this case, it is better to throw away this part of the potato.

All other foods that contain poison:

Fungus can grow on various fruits stored at home. And the toxic elements of the fungus can penetrate into the fruit. Mushrooms contain highly toxic substances unless properly prepared. Again, the powdered mushrooms available in the market become poisonous if left for a long time. Besides, apple and watermelon seeds contain potassium cyanide. So don't forget to throw away the seeds when children eat this fruit at home.

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