The Dhaka Times
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Another death incident in Dubai: this time a Bangladeshi was killed by a Bangladeshi

The Dhaka Times Desk This time a Bangladeshi was killed by a Bangladeshi in Dubai. The murder took place at around 12 o'clock on Thursday.


Yesterday's murder happened in the city of Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates. A 26-year-old Bangladeshi named Hasan killed another 26-year-old Bangladeshi named Sohail. This murder took place in Al Ain city's Chanaiya area number three lane.

The identity of the deceased Sohail has been found. His home is Chittagong Lohagara Upazila. Sohail and Hasan are residents of the same area of Chittagong. They also lived in the same mess in the Emirates. Hasan stabbed Sohail with a knife during an argument on Thursday morning due to a transaction related dispute between them. He died on the spot. Police have arrested Hasan.

It should be noted that there have been several incidents of fire and road accidents recently. Many Bangladeshis were killed in this. This time a Bangladeshi gave his life again in this exceptional incident.

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