The Dhaka Times
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Star jalsa not allowed to commit suicide!

The Dhaka Times Desk Same story again. It has been reported that a schoolgirl committed suicide after not being allowed to watch Star Jalsa serial. The incident took place in Savar near the capital.


A 10th class schoolgirl committed suicide out of anger at her mother for not letting her watch Indian TV channel Star Jalsa's serial 'Bojhe Na Se Bojhe Na'. This incident took place on Thursday night in Badda Mohalla of Savar Municipal area. The name of the deceased student is Riya Akhtar (15). Riya is the only daughter of Mahbubur Rahman of Tarail upazila of Kishoreganj.

Citing sources from Savar Model Police Station, the media reported that on Thursday night, Rhea turned on the TV to watch Star Jalsa Channel's serial 'Bojhe Naa Se Bojhe Naa', but her mother told her not to watch the drama and turned off the TV. At one stage of her mother's argument with Riya, Riya was proud of her mother and tried to commit suicide by taking several sleeping pills kept for her sick father.

Later, when Riya fell ill, she was admitted to Savar Shimultala Modern Hospital in a critical condition. When his condition worsened, he was taken to Savar Enam Medical College Hospital on Friday morning and the doctor on duty declared him brought dead. After receiving the information, the police recovered the dead body and brought it to the police station. Later, the dead body was sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital morgue for post-mortem. A case of wrongful death has been registered.

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