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Know some of the properties of onions including hair roots

The Dhaka Times Desk We need onions daily. This onion is in our daily diet. We have absolutely no idea what these onions can do for us. Let's find out what are the qualities of onion.

the hair & onion

Onion is an essential vegetable in our daily diet. Onion is present in almost every Jhal curry. It is unthinkable that any Bengali Khana-Pina curry will not have onion.

Onions are not just for enhancing the taste. Onion is also very important for health. But although onion has many properties for health protection, most of them are unknown to us.

What are the properties of onion?

A large onion contains:

# is 86.8 percent water
# is 1.2 percent protein
# is 11.6 percent carbohydrate
# 0.18 percent calcium,
# 0.04 percent phosphorus
# 0.7 percent iron
# vitamins A, B and C.

Now let's know some properties of onion:

# regular consumption of onion reduces pain in arthritis patients. If there is frequent vomiting, then mix 4/5 drops of onion juice with water and you will see that the nausea will stop. Again, this onion helps to remove excess uric acid in the body.

# should be mixed with twice the amount of water mixed with 1 spoon of onion juice and eaten if you have a headache due to cold. By doing this, you will see that the pain is reduced. If you ever feel a fever, then taking onion juice through the nose will reduce the fever in the body.

# Apply onion juice on your scalp half an hour before washing your hair, this method will also help strengthen the hair roots and promote new hair growth.

# If hiccups persist, drink water mixed with onion juice, it will stop the hiccups. Again, if there is a problem of dandruff in the hair or if there is a problem of loose hair, then onion is proven to be very effective.

So instead of thinking of onion as just a curry item, we can reap the benefits of its medicinal properties by using it properly.

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