The Dhaka Times
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The father killed the daughter to trap the neighbor!

The Dhaka Times Desk Due to a dispute with a neighbor, his own father killed his daughter with the help of the whole family to frame the neighbor. Later, the police arrested 6 people who participated in the murder.


In Adamdighi Upazila on Friday, when the police of the local police station appeared in front of the journalists, the accused took responsibility for the murder. Superintendent of Police Mozammel Haque PPM said that after the murder, the victim's father filed a case of rape and murder as a plaintiff, the final report of that case will be given and besides, the police will file a murder case against the accused based on the true facts that emerged in the actual investigation of the incident.

The police investigation has revealed that Rabiul Islam, the uncle of the deceased, is the mastermind behind this brutal murder. Ruma's father Abdul Wahab (43) took the help of the remaining 6 family members to organize the complete murder. The remaining 5 people involved in the murder are uncle Jonaid Akand (35), Abdul Wahab's cousin Rabiul (24), uncle Saiful Akand (23), Ruma's step-grandmother Fereza Begum (55) and Rabiul's sister-in-law Hasan Mandal (28).

The accused narrated the entire incident of the murder to the police, the police told the reporters that the entire incident was pre-planned. 6 killers meet before killing. They discuss among themselves who will be killed. The motive of the murder was that the killer's family had been in dispute for quite some time with neighbors Abdur Rahman, Shafir Uddin and Ahsan over land related issues. To get rid of these conflicts, they want to kill a member of their family and frame the opponent.

In the preliminary discussion before the murder, the deceased Ruma's grandmother Fereza was proposed to be killed. They decide to kill Ruma if she does not agree. Abdul Wahab Akand's daughter Ruma Khatun was studying in class VIII.

To kill Ruma on August 31 around 12:00 pm, her uncle Jonaid Akand entered the house from outside the house by opening the door with an iron chain. They pushed the sleeping Ruma down from the bed and then father Abdul Wahab, grandmother Feroza, Rabiul and her sister-in-law Hasan Ali strangled and strangled her to death.

Later everyone went to their respective rooms naturally and around 1:30 PM started shouting and saying who or who killed Ruma, they later filed a case of murder and rape with the police station.

Later, when the police went to investigate, the main mystery of the incident came out. After arresting 6 people for murder, the police kept themselves in custody and all were accused of murder.

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