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Know Darjeeling travel details

The Dhaka Times Desk Darjeeling is the most popular tourist destination in India from Bangladesh. Located at the foothills of the Himalayas, the attraction of this place is much more than other places. Today we are going to highlight the various aspects of Darjeeling travel for the readers of The Dhaka Times to make your trip to Darjeeling more enjoyable this coming winter.


How to go?

There are now three routes from Bangladesh to Darjeeling - rail, road and air. If you want to go by air, direct from Dhaka, Chittagong to Kolkata by Jet Air, Regent Airways, Bangladesh Biman. The cost will be around 11000 to 15000 taka. From there again take Air India to affordable Siliguri. Now Chander's car has to go to Darjeeling. Chander's car fare will be 140 rupees or 160 taka. And instead of making so much trouble, there is a direct bus service from Bangladesh to India. Among them, Shyamoli Paribahan provides direct services up to Siliguri. The fare from Dhaka to Siliguri will be Tk 1600. An additional 300 Tk will be paid as a traveler while crossing the border. Now let's come to the railway. If you want to go by rail, you have to buy a ticket from Dhaka. Now of course Maitri train tickets can be booked from Chittagong as well but you have to travel from Dhaka.


Where will you stay?

Since Darjeeling is a tourist area, there is no accommodation problem. Here you will also find mid-range to low-cost hotels. However, Bellevue, Sagarika, Sonar Bangla, Mahakal hotels are more popular among travelers. Each single room will cost Rs.1000. Double room rent is 1200 rupees. And three-bed room rent is 1500 rupees.


Where to eat?

Darjeeling is a very popular place for foodies. Here you will find food from different regions of India. But restaurant food is expensive. In this case you can opt for street food. The street foods here are quite delicious. Noodles are available in all restaurants but if you want to eat in Petpur, you have to go to Malloy. If you want to buy good Darjeeling tea leaves, you have to go to Malaya.


Where to go?

There is no dearth of places to visit in Darjeeling. Tour guide with car will be available in front of every hotel. For any kind of information you will get full support from the tourism office. Notable places to visit nearby are Mall, Tiger Hill, Tea Gardens, Japanese Temple, Zoo. Then there is the cable car from North Point to Singha.

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