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Destroy the pickup under the pressure of a pumpkin!

The Dhaka Times Desk No one is going to believe the news that a pickup truck was destroyed by a pumpkin. Because a pumpkin can be destroyed by a pickup truck, but it has never been heard of a pickup truck being crushed by a pumpkin. But the story is true. Happened in Pennsylvania, USA.

Destroy & pick pumpkins

One cannot help but be surprised by such news. Because the news that we have been seeing or hearing for ages is completely opposite news. Because this time the pickup was destroyed by the pressure of the pumpkin. We see people die in pickup accidents. The cyclist was hit by the pickup! But an exceptional event has happened at the pumpkin fair in Pennsylvania, USA. And that is the story of a giant pumpkin. A pickup wrecked under the pressure of that pumpkin.

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Nothing is destroyed by a pickup truck. Many people die. But who has ever heard that the pickup is destroyed by the pressure of the pumpkin! Even if you don't hear, the incident happened at that pumpkin fair in Pennsylvania, USA. There is a huge pumpkin display. Among them, a pumpkin weighing 1200 pounds (or 544 kg) is lifted by a crane and dropped onto a truck from a height of 125 feet. The pickup was destroyed. Every year this pumpkin fair is held at Conneaut Lake Park. This year, 30,000 people attended the fair, UPI reported.
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