The Dhaka Times
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Due to killing the camel, the driver fined one and a half lakh taka!

The Dhaka Times Desk A car driver has to pay for killing a camel. The court fined him one and a half million taka! The incident of this fine happened in the Dafra Court of Abu Dhabi.

camel driver & fined

It is heard that even if the elephant dies, lakhs of taka. But it has never been heard that lakhs of rupees are available when a camel dies. This time, the price of a dead camel is lakhs of rupees! You may be surprised to hear that. But the story is true. A camel died after falling under a man's car in Abu Dhabi's Dafra court. So he was fined 10,000 dinars. Which is about one and a half lakh taka in Bangladeshi currency.

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The court held that the reckless driving of the accused caused the death of a camel. The owner of the camel filed a case in court. In that case, the accused was fined an additional 3,500 dinars for reckless driving.

It is to be noted that after being fined, the accused denied the allegation and said that the police were trying to frame him in a false case. He did not commit such a crime.

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