The Dhaka Times
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Mild cold wave in northern region: Ishwardi records minimum temperature of 7.2 degrees

The Dhaka Times Desk A mild cold current is going on in various parts of the northern and southern parts of the country. Cold flow has started in various parts of northern region including Chuadanga, Ishwardi, Syedpur. A minimum temperature of 7.2 degrees was recorded in Ishwardi today.

Ishurdi minimum 7.2 Temperature

A mild cold current is going on in various parts of the northern and southern parts of the country. Cold flow has started in various parts of northern region including Chuadanga, Ishwardi, Syedpur. Heavy fog was seen at night. During the day there is fog in different places. Due to dense fog in Chittagong, there has been a disaster in the take-off and landing of aircraft.

Ishurdi minimum 7.2 Temperature-2

Meanwhile, the sun has not been visible in the capital Dhaka since this morning due to fog. However, more disasters have occurred in the southern and northern parts of the country. In northern Konkan, life has come to a standstill in winter. A minimum temperature of 7.2 was recorded in Ishwardi today. Mild cold continues in various parts of northern region including Natore, Rajshahi, Naogaon, Jaipurhat, Rangpur, Dinajpur. Ferry services are being disrupted due to fog. Due to fog, a launch named 'Deeraj' from Barisal to Dhaka got stuck in paddy field at night.

Ishurdi minimum 7.2 Temperature-3

Meanwhile, at least 6 people have died due to severe cold in the neighboring country India. In other parts of the world, the outbreak of winter is more common this time.

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