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Burqa has been banned in China's Xinjiang state!

The Dhaka Times Desk Burqa has been banned in China's Xinjiang state! It is a Muslim dominated area. Online news media has given such news.

banned the burka

The Chinese government recently banned the wearing of the burqa in the predominantly Muslim Xinjiang state. According to online news media, the ban on women wearing the burqa in Uramqi, the capital of Xinjiang, was mainly aimed at controlling and eradicating terrorist activities. It is known that at least 3.1 million people live in Uramqi, the capital of Xinjiang.

According to media reports, this Xinjiang is a Muslim-dominated state. It is known as the base of the Uyghur Muslim community. The people of this Uighur community are mainly Turkish speaking. However, Han Chinese also live in this state. When the Malaysian Airlines plane went missing last year, it was said that the missing plane was being held in this Uighur. However, nothing was heard after that.

According to a report by China's state news agency Xinhua, the burqa is not a traditional dress for Uyghur women. And so they are being banned from wearing burqas in public places, just as burqas are banned in Belgium and France.'

The rate of conflict in China has been increasing at an alarming rate in recent times. Beijing is calling this growing terrorism as 'Islamic terrorism'. Experts also say, 'communal fighting between Uighurs and Han Chinese may be the root cause of this terror.'

The media said, on the other hand, the Chinese administration is blaming the Uyghur community for these conflicts. Human rights organizations say curtailing Uyghurs' right to practice their religion is creating inevitable conflict there. Human rights organizers believe that due to the strict political position of the leftists, Muslim youth are being forced to become radical.

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