The Dhaka Times
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House made of trains!

The Dhaka Times Desk They like trains very much. So the couple built a house out of a train carriage. The history of Marko Stepniak and Vanessa Stollbaum's house is also quite fascinating.

Train House

These two people met in the train. Took a four-day train trip from Berlin to Kazakhstan on vacation. And that's when Marco and Vanessa like each other. Marco, 34, came up with the idea of building a house out of a train carriage 15 years ago when he joined a youth club near his hometown of Harten. The club was between two old train carriages. But Marco and Vanessa wanted to build a house with new bogies. But the cost of two coaches was 5 lakh euros. And so he began to run ads. In the end, he got two old buggies safely. The two Swiss made bogies are from 1974 and 1975. The Marco couple got two carriages for only 20,000 euros. Bringing them from Switzerland to Germany cost another 26,000 euros.

Yet he did not stop. He made an amazing house with that box. Who wouldn't want to live in such a house?

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