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'Find My Phone' is Google's new service for Android mobiles

The Dhaka Times Desk Google is launching a new service for Android mobiles called 'Find My Phone'. If for some reason your phone is not found then you can use this service.

Google's new service

This service has been mentioned in the media as a unique service. 'Find My Phone' is Google's new service for Android smartphone users. That said, if ever there is a situation where you can't find your phone. Also at that time you don't have any other phone with you, you can get it by calling the not found phone. Then you can use Google's new service called 'Find My Phone'.

According to the news, if your phone is not found, Google is giving a way to find it. In this case, go to Google search from desktop computer and type 'Find My Phone'. And immediately Google will tell the possible location of your Android phone.

Android Device Manager will start playing your phone. Once you go to this option your phone will ring continuously for 5 minutes. But to get this service you must have the latest version of Google app on your phone. And the phone's location service should be turned on in the smartphone.

Note that one of the advantages of this new service is that if you lose the phone, you can lock the phone. Also you can delete all your data from mobile if you want.

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