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Hitler's artwork was sold for 444,000 dollars!

The Dhaka Times Desk When you hear about Hitler, you remember that dictatorial leader. Hitler's artwork, which has never left criticism, was sold for $444,000 this time.

Hitler artwork

Surely we are talking about the words of Hitler. Germany's infamous Nazi leader Adolf Hitler has come up with his works of art. A total of 14 of his watercolor paintings were recently sold at auction for 391,000 euros, or 444,000 dollars in dollars.

According to media reports, his works were auctioned in the city of Nuremberg in the southeastern German state of Bavaria. Hitler painted them between 1904 and 1922. Each painting is signed and dated by Hitler. A watercolor painting of Hitler's Neuschwanstein Palace in Bavaria has sold for the highest price. A Chinese buyer bought the artwork for $114,000.

A bouquet of carnations, on the other hand, sold for $82,895. Among the 14 paintings were works of Vienna, Prague and a naked woman. Hitler's works of art are not considered to be of a very high standard in the judgment of merit. Despite the controversy, Hitler's art auctions sell for millions of dollars each year. Hitler's art is allowed to be sold in Germany. But there is one stipulation, and that is that any Nazi symbol will be considered ineligible for auction.

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