The Dhaka Times
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After 15 years of Palash and Regier Almab!

The Dhaka Times Desk Two artists in the world of music, Palash and Rizier Elmab, are coming out after 15 years. This album called 'Balbo Toke Samabu' will be released this Eid.

Palash Rizia after 15 years

Two artists in the world of music, Palash and Rizier Elmab, are coming out after 15 years. This album called 'Balbo Toke Samabu' will be released this Eid.

Throughout the nineties, audiences have been rocking their songs. Palash and Rizia have sung together on more than 150 albums. There was a gap of 15 years between them. There is no doubt that this dual album record in the audio world. Not only in the album, but also on stage, this star music duo has been enthralling the audience for a long time. However, due to various reasons including the deteriorating situation in the audio industry, they did not sing together for about 15 years. Even though they sang separately, this duo was not found in the album as before.

It is known that there are 8 songs in the album. Lyrics written and composed by Shamim Mahmud. Music composed by Sohail Aziz. The songs are - 'Boundule Hobo', 'Balbo Toke Phamya', 'Mana Ghadei', 'Premer Istition' etc. The organizers think that all the songs should be sung in duets. It is said that the album will be released in the middle of Ramadan.

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