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100 Hindu families in India accepted Islam!

The Dhaka Times Desk 100 Dalit (lower caste Hindu) families have converted to Islam in the Indian state of Haryana. Islam has embraced religion in protest against the lack of action against influential upper castes in cases of land grabbing and rape.

100 Hindu families in India accepted Islam

100 Dalit (lower caste Hindu) families have converted to Islam in the Indian state of Haryana. Islam has embraced religion in protest against the lack of action against influential upper castes in cases of land grabbing and rape. The affected family had been protesting for justice since April 16, 2014 at Delhi's Jantar Mantar. The family members, who have been protesting for more than a year, indicated their conversion to Islam last Friday. Finally last Saturday they accepted Islam.

They demanded that the accused in the Bhagana rape case should be quickly arrested and the illegal occupants should be freed from Shamlat land. They met Haryana Chief Minister Manoharlal Khattar on Friday with these demands. After not getting any assurance from the Chief Minister to take any strict action, they finally embraced Islam.

Victims of Bhagana village alleged that they met Chief Minister Manoharlal Khattar at least four times in the hope of getting justice. They have demanded many times to the administrative officials. But the Hisar (Haryana) administration is playing a silent role against the accused.

It should be noted that on May 21, 2012, Dalits clashed with upper caste people in Bhagana village of Haryana. At that time, 52 family members were forced to flee the village. The dispute has been going on since then.

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