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Mars virus vaccine was discovered

The Dhaka Times Desk This time the Mars virus vaccine was discovered. A research report says that the discovered drug is being tested in animals.


This time the Mars virus vaccine was discovered. A research report says that the discovered drug is being tested in animals. The discovery of this vaccine was reported for the first time in the International Science Publication last Thursday.

According to the report of the news media Science Daily, Debbie Winer, a researcher at the Peril Man School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, said that the Mars virus vaccine is being given to monkeys in animals. Researcher Debbie B. Wiener also said that the Mars virus vaccine is being given the highest priority.

Researcher Debbie B. Wiener said that 'It was 100% successful in monkey experiments. But for further testing we will work on the effectiveness of this vaccine for another 6 weeks. The vaccine is currently being tested on camels.'

Note that Mars is a type of virus infection. This virus is a corona virus. If infected with Mars virus, the body has fever for several days. The fever level is 100.4 degrees or more. Again, after 2/3 days of fever, breathing problems usually start. However, in many cases, breathing problems may appear after 10 days. In addition, there are also scissors. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome abbreviated as MARS. It has now emerged as a new global threat. Recently, the virus has spread to Korea in addition to the Middle East, causing concern and panic. The biggest fear of Mars is the high death rate among Mars sufferers. So researchers are working on its countermeasures.

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