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Qualcomm's chip will prevent mobile damage!

The Dhaka Times Desk Mobiles can be exposed to damage in various ways. Now Qualcomm has released a chip that is capable of preventing mobile damage.

Qualcomm chip

According to media reports, American chip maker Qualcomm has introduced a feature in its Snapdragon 820 processor that will work to prevent malware. Qualcomm claims that this feature will act as a hardware-based anti-malware solution that will be able to monitor app behavior on Qualcomm processor-powered devices and identify suspicious apps. Qualcomm calls it 'Smart Protect Technology.'

Anti-malware apps currently available on mobile devices can only detect known threats, the company claims. That's why many malicious software can easily bypass this security system. Smart Protect will also monitor activity on smartphones, tablets or other mobile devices rather than relying on such lists. Alerts the user immediately through notification if any unwanted activity is detected.

A Qualcomm official told the media, users of these products based on Qualcomm chips will receive information about privacy violations or harmful activities immediately in the form of notifications. Being a hardware related technology, this chip can alert the user offline without using extra charge from the battery.

Note that this feature will be available next year with the Snapdragon 820 processor, Qualcomm authorities said.

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