The Dhaka Times
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News of the morgue waking up again!

The Dhaka Times Desk This has happened before. Just like that, an incident happened. There have been reports of corpses waking up in the morgue again!


In this case, a person was taken to the morgue for post-mortem bath. Then the 'dead body' wakes up. This incredible incident happened in Pakistan's Idi Foundation morgue.

According to media reports, the body of a 55-year-old woman, Manjura, was taken by her family to the Idi Foundation Mortuary due to the inability to afford a burial shroud. His body was also handed over to a female worker there for bathing. It was then that the female worker found that the 'corpse' was breathing. Seeing this, he started calling Manjura's relatives.

An official of the Idi Foundation told the media that the families who are unable to bury the bodies of their relatives are provided free burial shrouds by the Idi Foundation.

It is known that Manjura's husband Bashir works as a day laborer in a poultry farm. Pakistani media Dawn said that the woman was completely unconscious when she was taken to the morgue. But he regained consciousness soon after being put on a stretcher.

According to the said Bashir, his wife felt sick since Sunday evening but due to financial difficulties, it was not possible to take her to the hospital. Went to a drug store and got some medicine for him. As his wife's condition worsened around 3 p.m., Bashir called his poultry farm supervisor to ask for help in taking his wife to the hospital. The supervisor saw the condition of his wife and asked them to read Kalima. Manzura fainted after that. Then Manjura stopped breathing. In this situation, he was taken to the morgue for burial with the help of neighbors, thinking him dead.

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