The Dhaka Times
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'If girls work, murder or rape'!

The Dhaka Times Desk The Taliban has a ban on women's employment. It has been asked to be more strict, 'If the girls work, murder or rape'!

Girls murder or rape if a job

Such words have to be heard in this era. The incident is true. This is about Afghanistan. The Taliban there have declared that girls cannot leave the house to work. It is a great danger.

According to media reports, house-to-house searches for working women are now underway in all Taliban-free areas of Afghanistan. Taliban's strict instructions, no girl can enter the house without her husband. Do not work at all. Death if not obeyed. The Taliban are so strict in ensuring that girls cannot earn a living that the Taliban even bans the occupation of nannies, who accompany mothers during childbirth.

Afghans search for survivors after a massive landslide landslide buried a village Friday, May 2, 2014 in Badakhshan province, northeastern Afghanistan, which Afghan and U.N. officials say left hundreds of dead and missing missing.(AP Photo/Ahmad Zubair)

According to the news, the girls who go to work without obeying the fatwa will either be killed or taken to a detention camp. A women-run voluntary organization has claimed that Taliban 'fighters' are raping women prisoners there. The Taliban also destroyed several radio stations run by women in Kunduz. Offices where girls work have also been attacked. Many girls' schools have been looted and demolished. Voluntary organizations established to help women continue to be eradicated.

Meanwhile, the news media also said that many girls in Afghanistan are currently homeless due to the fear of the Taliban or 'honor killing' by their relatives. Some voluntary organizations are sheltering these runaway girls. But running these shelter camps in Kunduz or Kandahar is impossible. These areas are attacked by assassins at any time. They ransacked these asylum camps, raped and even killed the asylum seekers. So these voluntary organizations are working to rescue helpless girls and send them to Kabul or somewhere nearby. However, no one can say for sure how long this protest can be continued. No one knows how long this fight with the Taliban will last.

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