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Finding a new species of giant turtle!

The Dhaka Times Desk A new species of giant turtle has been discovered! Scientists found this giant tortoise in Ecuador's Galapagos Islands.

A new species of giant tortoise, look

The news was published online by Time magazine on Wednesday. According to this news, scientists have identified these turtles as the 15th species of Archipelago tribe. Already, four species of turtles of that tribe have disappeared from the world.

According to media reports, a team led by Yale University biologist Gisela Cassion found the turtles living on the Galapagos Santa Cruz Island. About 2 thousand species of animals live in this island.

Washington Tapia, head of the Galapagos National Park's Tortoise Conservation Department, told the media that due to this discovery, it will be possible to save the tortoises and protect them from extinction. Tapia also said that there are at least 250 turtles of this species on the island.

Scientists named this species of giant tortoise Chelondis donphaistoi. Scientists believe that the new species of turtles may have different structures from other turtles. Scientists are still trying to figure out how to keep this new species of turtle from breeding and going extinct.

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