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A NASA researcher, pilot, writer who is only 17 years old!

This August 2015 photo provided by Shu Chien shows her son Moshe Kai Cavalin at their home in San Gabriel, Calif. Cavalin earned a bachelor's in math from UCLA at age 15, and is taking online classes through Brandeis University, near Boston, toward a master's in cybersecurity. He's also working for NASA, where he is developing aircraft tracking technology. (Shu Chien via AP)

The Dhaka Times Desk At the age of 17, he became a researcher, pilot and writer of the world famous research institute NASA. Earned two bachelor's degrees, pursuing a master's. The name is Moshe Kai Kavalin.

This August 2015 photo provided by Shu Chien shows her son Moshe Kai Cavalin at their home in San Gabriel, Calif. Cavalin earned a bachelor’s in math from UCLA at age 15, and is taking online classes through Brandeis University, near Boston, towards a master’s in cybersecurity. He’s also working for NASA, where he is developing aircraft tracking technology. (Shu Chien via AP)

This talented youngster hails from San Gabriel, California. Working in NASA. This talented young man is also good at martial arts. Received many awards. Can fly the plane. It's surprising. Not only that, two books written by him have also been published.

Moshe Kai Kavalin can take flight in the sky. However, he has not yet received a legal license to drive alone, as he is not yet 18 years old. Moshe Kai Kavalin received his first degree at the age of 11, from a community college. After exactly 4 years, Anke graduated again from the University of California. Currently pursuing a Master's in Cyber Security at Brandeis University online. Moshe Kai Kavalin has been called upon to help NASA develop aircraft and drone surveillance technology.

It is said in the news media that one who has so many qualities still thinks of himself as ordinary. "I did nothing special," said the young man, who was researching at NASA's Flight Research Center. Whatever I have done or what I have done is the credit of my parents. Motivation, inspiration - all from them. I just tried, always to give my best.'

Moshe Kai Kavalin's mother is a Taiwanese citizen by birth. And the father is Brazilian. They both think that the child is not a genius. It all came naturally to him. According to his former maths teacher Daniel Judge, he can work very hard. I have never seen anyone work hard like him.' This young man with such qualities is now only determined to move forward.

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