The Dhaka Times
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Islam and Hindu worship at the same time two religions!

The Dhaka Times Desk However, such a thing has never been heard before. But this time just such a news has made headlines. A person is practicing Islam and Hinduism at the same time!

Islam and religion of Hindus

According to media reports, Mohammad Zaheer is a resident of Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. His religion by birth is Islam. But at the same time he has the responsibility of looking after the Dargah Sharif of the Muslims and the Shiva temple of the Hindus throughout the year. His belief is, 'There is no differentiation of God on the basis of religion.'

According to media reports, Shravana is a holy month in Hinduism. Mahadev is worshiped in various forms throughout the month. But there was no change in Zaheer's routine throughout the year. This is because he has the entire responsibility of maintaining the Khandwa Shiva temple in Indore. And the burden of taking care of the dargah next to him is also on Zaheer.

It is known that Zaheer was born in a Muslim family. However, according to him, it is not in his power to divide God for the sake of religion. To him, Allah is God, and God is He. And so he does not believe in religious differences. And so Zahir completed the cleaning of the temple premises with a smile. Not only that, he also takes care of the Shivalinga in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple.

It is known that Mohammad Zaheer's house is near the famous Asirgarh Fort in Madhya Pradesh, 20 kilometers from Burhanpur in India. He looked after the Shiv Mandir for the last 6 years. Staff of Zaheer Ajho. He was appointed by the Department of Archeology for the maintenance of temples and dargahs. Forty-year-old Zaheer feels lucky to be in charge of the temple and dargah at the same time.

It is known that since there is no priest in the Shiva temple, when tourists come to offer puja, Zahir has to handle everything. Chanting mantras or offering flowers and garlands, unknowingly, Zaheer has become a jackass in the true sense. After completing the work of the temple, Zaheer reached the dargah only 100 meters away. Ajha is also in charge of that monument. So keeping the dargah square clean is part of Zaheer's daily work.

Zaheer believes that he can bring up his 5 children in the ideals of equality and unity by carrying out the novel dual responsibilities of his profession. He thinks that if you give up your pride and hold the hand of love, hate and discrimination will be removed, then there will be no violence in the society.

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