The Dhaka Times
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5 years in prison if you celebrate Christmas!

The Dhaka Times Desk Sultan Hassan Al Balkhia of Brunei announced that if anyone celebrates Christmas in violation of the law, he will be jailed for 5 years!

Christmas & 5-year prison

The conservative Muslim-majority country announced before the holiday that citizens could be punished for sending Christmas greetings or wearing Santa hats. The country's scholarly community has opined that celebrating Christmas may weaken the Muslim faith. That is why the Sultan has banned the celebration of Christmas in Brunei. However, this law is only applicable to Muslims.

Christmas & 5-year prison-2

Under this law, non-Muslims can celebrate Christmas without any restrictions. However, it should be limited to their own community, according to a notification from the country's Ministry of Religion.


It should be noted that 65 percent of Brunei's population of about 420,000 is Muslim. The monarchy still exists in oil-rich Brunei. Due to the high standard of living, the people of Brunei are still not very interested in politics. Local media reported that since 2014, 100% Sharia law has been in force in Brunei.

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