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Death is considered a punishable crime in the city!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have never heard of such a thing before. But this time, such a strange news surprised everyone. A city where death is a punishable crime!

Death is a crime in that city

There is news of such a city today. Cellia is a small town in Italy. Death is considered a major crime in this hilltop city. The population of this town named Sellia is only 537. But in 1960 the population there was about 1300. Most people in this city are 65 years or older.

According to media reports, a new law was enacted in Seliya. As the law states, being healthy is not just about healthy practices. Death will be normal, no one should die of illness. All must be alert lest sickness overtakes anyone.

City Mayor David Zicinella introduced the law. He says that 'in the case of townspeople it is a punishable offense to die of sickness.' He made this law so that the people of the city live a healthy and normal life. A health tax of 10 euros is collected from those who undergo regular health check-ups. Those who do not undergo regular health checkups despite being ill, are charged more tax. The mayor also said, 'After taking the tax, the health centers are crowded.'

Note that not only in Sella, there are many other countries in the world where death is considered a crime. For example, in France, Brazil, Japan and Spain, death from various causes was considered a crime. Even in the fifth century BC, death in a religious place was considered a crime in Greece, according to media reports.

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