The Dhaka Times
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Simon-Irene pair again in the film 'American Dream'

The Dhaka Times Desk Simon-Irene pair again in the film 'American Dream'. They first worked as a pair in Akash Chowdhury's 'Mayabini'.

American Dream film & Simon-Irene

The shooting of the duo's first film 'Mayabini' has started but the work of this film has not yet been completed. Meanwhile, the actors of Dhakai film Simon and Irene have signed a contract together for another new film. The name of this new film is 'American Dream'. The film is directed by M Jasimuddin.

American Dream film & Simon-Irene-2

Actress Irene said that she is playing a character named 'Swarnali' in this film. The shooting of the film will start from March 25. Irene said of the duo's work, 'Simon and I became good friends when we first worked together. So the space between the two will be much easier in the next film.'

American Dream film & Simon-Irene-3

Simon says, 'There remains some inertia in the first work with each other. But during the next work that inertia is reduced. A place of understanding is created. Hopefully, our work on the second film will be better.'

Director M Jasimuddin said, 'American Dream' is a film based on original story. The life of the people of Bikrampur, Bangladesh and the life of the Bengalis living in New York in the United States have been brought up in this film. Hope the audience will like it.

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