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Intermittent internet browsing has health risks!

The Dhaka Times Desk The internet has bound us in such a way that there is no escape from it. But doctors have said that there are health risks in Internet browsing without interruption!

Internet Browsing & health risks

The use of internet has increased so much nowadays that internet has become a daily necessary product like rice and fish. It is undeniable that many opportunities have increased thanks to the Internet. But everything should have a measure. We know that everything in excess is bad. The same thing is happening on the Internet. We are using the internet excessively or intermittently. That is why our health is at risk.

Especially those of us between the ages of 18 and 30. In their case, the level of internet usage is very high. And these age group are facing various physical problems due to continuous use of internet. As many cannot turn their necks in pain. Pain is often seen in the upper back. Again, this pain spreads to the hands of some. In many cases, the hands feel numb or lethargic. Less power is available in hands. Most of the people who have symptoms of back pain after sitting at the computer for a long time feel tension in the back muscles when they get up.

What happens in many cases is that it is difficult to get out of bed due to browsing Facebook or Internet on a laptop or mobile phone after lying down for a long time. Again severe pain is also felt.

To solve these problems, everyone needs to adopt a little awareness or carelessness. Avoid using the internet for a long time. If you want to avoid body problems, you should reduce the level of internet use or computer-laptop use.

Things to keep in mind:

# Avoid sitting or browsing for more than half an hour continuously.
Do # and rest for 10/15 minutes. Walk around a bit. Then get back to work.
# Do not lie down for long periods of time reading books or operating a laptop.
When working on the # computer, keep the computer monitor at eye level, so that you do not have to lean forward to work.
# The height of the sitting chair or table should be such that you can operate the computer while sitting upright with the support behind the waist.
# Exercise regularly as advised by a specialist physiotherapist to maintain muscle strength in the neck and back.

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