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Hilsa fish found in the pond!

The Dhaka Times Desk Such a news has become viral thanks to the internet. Because we know that hilsa fish never live in the pond. But it happened. Hilsa fish found in the pond in Shariatpur!

Hilsa Fish ponds

According to media reports, a flock of Hilsa fish has been caught in a farmer's pond of Charchatang village of Angaria Union of Shariatpur Sadar Upazila. When this news spread, hundreds of people, journalists and fisheries officials from different parts of the district came to the spot. Habib Madbar, the owner of the house, arranged for hilsa fishing through fishermen. Initially these fish appear as hilsa fish. It is said that the upazila fisheries office is preparing to send the hilsa fish to the Chandpur laboratory for identification.

Hilsa Fish ponds-2

Meanwhile, when this news spread to Shariatpur district and neighboring district Madripur, it created a lot of excitement. From this Friday morning, the crowd of eager people gradually increased at the house and pond of Charchtang village Habib Madbar.

A journalist seen on the ground said in his description that the owner of the pond, Habib Madbar, threw a net in the pond to take care of the fish in the pond on Tuesday. Hilsa fish was caught along with other fish. This is how the story of hilsa fish in the pond spread in the area. Since then, many questions have arisen in the public mind, how does the hilsa fish live in the pond? When the incident became known, the Upazila Fisheries Officer, local public representatives, journalists and the public attended and officially threw nets in the pond at 10 am this Friday. At that time, hilsa fish was caught in the net!

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Habib Madbar said that the pond has been cut next to the house for the last 3 years. We use water from the nearby canal to the pond to cultivate native cotton and cuttle fish. Last Tuesday morning, hilsa fish was caught along with other fish when the net was cast in the pond for fishing. So today we are officially fishing, we found hilsa fish there too.

Majid, a local fisherman, said that in my 16 years of fishing experience, this is the first time I have seen hilsa fish in the pond. My father was also a fisherman by profession. He has never heard of getting hilsa fish in the pond.

Locals said that there is no hilsa fish without the flow of the river. Area next to Arial Khan river. During the tide the river water comes into the canal, the water from the canal is used to irrigate the ponds for fish farming. It is believed that there were hilsa eggs or hatchlings in the canal water.

Shariatpur Sadar Upazila Assistant Fisheries Officer Md. Sirajul Haque told reporters, 'I saw hilsa fish caught from the pond. Initially it seems to be hilsa fish. But there are 4 types of hilsa fish. It has been sent to Chandpur Fisheries Laboratory to identify whether it is a breed of hilsa or any other species of fish.

But it is assumed that the matter will be clear when the report comes.

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