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3 Ways to Avoid WiFi Hacking

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us use WiFi. But this WiFi can be a victim of hacking sometimes. Know 3 ways to avoid WiFi hacking.

Wi-Fi Hacking

We know that getting hacked or hacker is a hot and critical topic now. However, user carelessness is the most common cause of personal hacking. This can be avoided if you are a little careful.

Nowadays the use of WiFi has become very common. But what many may not know is that users are most vulnerable to hacking over WiFi. Hackers can do damage once they find the loopholes in a user's system to steal their information.

The most commonly used hacking software for this purpose is 'packet sniffing'. 'Packet sniffing' is a software that gives hackers access to the data sent or received by the user. It is a very important software for organizations providing network security. By doing some additional work, hackers similarly hack WiFi through this software.

How to stay safe:

No tools are guaranteed to be 100% secure when using WiFi. However, it is possible to tighten the security issue by adopting some methods.

Usage of VPN:

A virtual private network or VPN is a private network that communicates with a remote site or user using a public network. There are thousands of VPN companies in the market. Using a VPN of your choice with a little thought helps a lot. Using a VPN makes spying a little more difficult.

Using Tor:

'Tor' is a free means of communicating online. Tor can be accessed using an internet browser. The purpose of this non-profit organization is to research and update online security tools. It performs its work without the user's identity being easily hidden due to the use of Tor. Because of which the user's address cannot be identified. The most interesting thing is that Tor users don't need to use VPN separately.

Go to https site:

Most information exchanged over the Internet is usually encrypted. Browsing the https:// address like this makes it very difficult to see the encrypted data by packet sniffing.

The reason is that data is sent in machine language due to the use of https://. Only the server and receiver can decipher its meaning. Even if a third party can access the middle, it is still possible for him to understand exactly what data is being sent and what it means. This way you can be careful.

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