The Dhaka Times
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Caged animals have turned into 'mummies' of starvation!

The Dhaka Times Desk We saw many animals in the zoo. But never heard of such a disease being caused by being confined in a cage. Caged animals have turned into 'mummies' of starvation!

Animals starvation

"This is the worst zoo in the world," complained a member of an animal rights group. There is no government agency or agency overseeing zoos in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

It has been said that hundreds of animals died of Ebola in the zoo. They have no peace even after death. Where the animal has died, the corpses have practically taken on the appearance of a mummy for a time. The venue is Younis Khan Zoo in Gaza.

Animals starvation-2

According to media reports, in 2007, a rich man named Mohammed Awaida spent a lot of money to build this zoo in Gaza. A year later, several animals in the zoo died due to an Israeli attack. Awaida told the media that he could not reach the zoo during the three-week war. Due to which many animals die of starvation due to lack of food.

In 2014, the same incident happened again. War broke out again between Palestine and Israel. During this time 80 animals died of starvation. Only 20 animals somehow survived. However, some members of the animal lovers' organization recently visited the zoo and managed to rescue the animals alive. They have given the details of the dead animals in the media.

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