The Dhaka Times
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Suddenly a huge hole in the pond: Tons of fish will disappear! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Suddenly a huge hole was formed in the pond and in a very short time the water of the pond went down into that hole. Not only that, tons of fish disappeared with the water!

Suddenly a huge hole in pond

The water in that huge pond suddenly started to decrease. In just a few hours, the entire pond is gone. Then it was seen that there was a huge hole in the middle of the pond. The plight of the farmer cultivating fish in the pond. Because tons of fish have disappeared with the water in the pit!

Such an incident happened in a pond in Guiping area of Guangxi province, China. According to The Independent, a large fish farming pond in the Guiping region suddenly developed a hole 5 meters wide. Local farmers initially identified it as a crack in the soil. They think that such an incident has occurred in that pond due to the removal of stones from the surrounding area.

Another Chinese media outlet, People's Daily, said that a few days ago, a crack suddenly appeared in the pond around 4 am. In a span of just 5 hours, the pond almost dried up by 9 am. Yang, a local farmer, was cultivating fish in the pond through a local cooperative. He claimed that at least 25 tonnes of fish in the pond had disappeared due to the hole.

According to reports, the investigation of the hole in the pond and the loss of fish farming has been blamed on collection of stones from the local area. Local farmers are suffering due to quarrying.

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