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A tree is 9,500 years old!

The Dhaka Times Desk Do you know how many years a tree lives? Maybe you have no idea how many years a tree lives. But this time the news came out that the age of a tree is 9 thousand 500 years!

9,500 years old tree

Many of us thought that the banyan tree is probably the oldest tree. But our idea has been proven wrong this time. The oldest tree in the world is called 'Old Tea Gikko'. This tree is 9,500 years old!

Before this, in 2012, a 3,500-year-old tree was discovered. According to scientists, it was the oldest living tree in the Phoenician province of East Africa. The whole world has been talking about the 118 feet tall tree called 'The Senotor'. But this time another amazing tree has been discovered. Whose age is 9 thousand 500 years. Unbelievable but true.

This tree was found in Sweden. People in Sweden know this tree as 'Old tea gikko'. This tree looks exactly like the 'Charlie Brown Christmas Tree'. This tree is born in the mountainous region. This 'Old Tea Gikko' tree is covered with snow most of the time. Height is only 16 feet.

On the other hand, scientists have found another tree called 'Mathushelher' in the mountainous region of California. This tree is at least 5 thousand years old!

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