The Dhaka Times
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What to do if you get fake money at the ATM booth!

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes, though not always, fake money is found in ATM booths. What to do if you get this fake money? find out

What to do if money is counterfeit ATM booth

In many ATM booths of our country, it is often heard that fake money is received. The customer has to get into trouble with this fake money. So don't withdraw money from the ATM and leave, stand there for a while and see if the money is fake.

If you come to know about fake money immediately after withdrawing money from the booth, you can take immediate action.

# informed the booth guard first. Because the guard has the register book of the booth. You can talk to him and write down the transaction ID number and fake money number. Then contact the bank quickly from there. And if there is a withdrawal receipt then keep it with you.

# When money is deposited in a bank, the bank has its own machine that can catch counterfeit money. If you tell the bank, they will destroy your fake money and return the original money instead.

# If the bank does not agree to accept. As many times the bank officials can convict you on the contrary. If something like this happens, you can directly take recourse to the law. You can also file a case against the name of the bank and the conduct of the officers if you wish.

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