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Is Putin preparing for World War III?

The Dhaka Times Desk At a time when the world has turned into a frenzy of terrorists, a massive military exercise is underway in Russia. It is also a modern weapon. Go to the military with him. Everything is in the rehearsal!

What Putin is ready for a third world war

One such exercise was recently organized in Russia. Russia is saying about this exercise, it is only a part of regular training. But why do the NATO countries accept Russia? So it is said that Russian President Vladimir Putin is basically preparing for the third world war!

According to Mail Online news, the exercise was held towards the forest area of Altai area of the country. 400 military vehicles participated in the exercise.

Ballistic missiles are also widely displayed, as seen in the video. The main attraction was the type of missiles. Everything was state of the art.

However, it was informed from the Ministry of Defense of Russia that this was organized for various trainings including the use of missiles.

News of the exercise comes at a time when Russia's relations with NATO are strained. Russia has been strongly criticizing NATO's position on various issues including Crimea. Not only that, Russia has always been critical of NATO's role in Europe.

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