The Dhaka Times
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There are schools but no students!

The Dhaka Times Desk We usually see hundreds of students in the school. But the number of teachers is less. But there is news of a very region of India where there are no students!

students are not in school

A news that appeared in the news media. School without teachers is a big problem in remote areas of India. But this time a little exceptional news has been found in North Raj Mohalla of Mumbai, India. There are four teachers in a small one-room government primary school but no students!

Raj Mohalla, the heart of the bustling city, has not one but two government primary schools. But the unfortunate thing is that none of the children in this area get admission in the two schools at the beginning of the year. Because of that every year the appointed teachers have to be transferred and sent elsewhere. District Education Officer Anurag Jaswal said this.

Anurag Jaswal said, 'We provide all the facilities we can in both the schools. But still we are not getting any students. And so the teachers have to be transferred elsewhere.

A teacher said, 'Last year we did not admit 8 children. Out of which 4 were upto fifth standard. The remaining 4 went to another primary school.'

But the teacher officials did not find any clear reason behind the students leaving or not.

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