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The world's first 'electric road' in Sweden!

Electric road hybrid truck, Scania G 360 4x2 (Hybrid Truck with Siemens pantograph on the roof) Gävle, Sweden Photo: Tobias Ohls 2016

The Dhaka Times Desk As technology advances day by day, so does the development of electric vehicles. This time in Sweden, the world's first 'electric road'!

Electric road hybrid truck, Scania G 360 4x2 (Hybrid Truck with Siemens pantograph on the roof) Gävle, Sweden Photo: Tobias Ohls 2016

Automobile manufacturer Tesla is also working on making electric cars. Some of these vehicles are too large to be fully electric. Keeping this in mind, electric roads have been launched in Sweden. A road where vehicles of any size can be powered by electricity.

The Swedish government jointly built this two-kilometer special road with truck-bus manufacturer Scania, which is said to be the world's first electric road. Technology website Mashable reported this news.

According to media reports, a separate lane has been created for this electric road. Electric cables are drawn along this lane. When a truck, bus or any other vehicle is connected to these cables, it becomes a fully electric vehicle.

But this is not the first such initiative. This type of electric trolleybus has been running since 1940 in Seattle, USA. But this is the first idea to drive vehicles on the road by creating lanes with separate electrical connections.

It should be noted that if this method of electric road can be used properly, then it will be possible to arrange more passenger movement in the future without environmental pollution in public transport.

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