The Dhaka Times
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India blew up 170 tanks of Pakistan but lost the war in 1965!

The Dhaka Times Desk About the year 1965. Then the war between India and Pakistan started. India lost that war to Pakistan.


However, despite losing that day, Pakistan got an idea about India's military prowess on the battlefield. The war situation was at its peak. Pakistan General Ayub Khan ordered to capture Amritsar. Pakistan's special forces were given that responsibility. Pakistan struggled to beat India.

In that battle, 220 tanks were sent to the area. The aim was to destroy everything that lay ahead. Lt. Gen. Harbux Singh was the leader in resisting this attack by Pakistan. But Harbux Singh was unwilling to give up even though he was outnumbered. He prepared his army to trap in a new way. Arranged in a 'U' shape and prepared to blow up the tanks from three sides.

Thinking that India had evacuated the troops, Pakistani tanks entered the area. The Indian army stores water in advance to eat sugarcane in the area. So that those tanks sink in the mud. The Indian army was hiding behind tall sugarcane trees. Although not seen, they were very close. 170 tanks were blown up in succession. That day, only the ruins of Pakistani tanks fell in rows. Hence the name of that area was given as Paton Nagar. Lt. Gen. Horbox Singh's deadly plan still comes up in the world's military academies.

Currently Pakistan is at war with India. And at that time various stories of India-Pakistan war are coming up. But in this modern era people cannot even think of war under any circumstances. Because the war then and the war now are not the same. Now war means destruction. What kind of destruction can anyone wish for?

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